More About Wonderful Me....

I'm the person you know that scares the hell out of you. You wonder if you are crazy, because most of the time I'm "the nicest person".

I'm the person you read about in PEOPLE OF THE LIE by Scott Peck, and THE SOCIOPATH NEXT DOOR by Martha Stout.

I'm here, I'm not sorry, so get used to it.

If you don't play my game I will try and destroy you.

I'm a master at cozying up to the right people, becoming a confidant, taking, then destroying.

It's all about me.

My children have all long since disappeared from my life - either from suicide, or addiction, or because they ran for their lives. To this day, it baffles people, because I'm "so nice". No one ever believes that I could do the stuff that I do. So I've done my best to call my kids liars and diagnose them with illnesses that they don't have in order to explain away their pain. I like to ask people to pray for them.

Maybe I have Borderline Personality Disorder? Maybe I am a Sociopath? Who knows. No one knows because I have never been diagnosed. Once I saw a counselor. I didn't like her so I destroyed her reputation. Twenty years later I went to another counselor over "issues" that one of my children were having. I tried to go see that counselor again and his office secretary said that he had moved to another state and is no longer in practice.

Once or twice I've accused innocent people of committing crimes.  It works too, because I've made friends with the right people who will vouch for me when I need them.

At this point, I've made it clear to everyone in my life that there is nothing wrong with me. That I'm a WONDERFUL person. Because I am. I'm wonderful.